He’s alive because he flew it all the way into the crash every time!
THANKS to Elliot for inviting me on this one! Please give him some love over at his Youtube channel!
And big thanks Sanders Aeronautics for hosting me!
Check out that “Chasing Reno Gold” documentary here and here!
An awesome episode, that took 9 months to deliver 🙂
As you may have noticed – publishing slowed down recently.
The footage for this one has been in the archives since June….
I am thankful that you guys have helped support the project allowing me to hire my editor buddy Dan to work on rough cuts while I am busy with other things.
(In this case it was prep for the Instrument Rating written test that forced me to just stop everything else.)
I am happy to report that I passed!
Anyway – Dan took the raw footage combined with my “story notes” and did a great job getting this one to 80%, so I only needed to spend a couple days fine cutting and adding in some nerdy details.
Also – If you wanna fly an Extra 300 (and be in an episode 🙂 please be sure to enter the contest we’re running this month.
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Productions like this wouldn’t be possible without your help!
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Flight Chops Disclaimer
I am a “weekend warrior” private pilot, I fly for fun with no intentions of going commercial. I have had my PPL for over 15 years, but still consider each flight a learning experience – I generally take detailed notes after each flight to remind myself what went well or what I could do to improve…. Having the GoPro cameras to record flights like this is invaluable. I find these self analysis videos very helpful in my constant quest to improve, and am happy to share.
Feedback is invited; however, please keep it positive.
It was 50 years ago that I passed my IR. Phew!!! It was tough. Congratulations on yours.