Watch in HD and you can read the panel!
Ride a long for an early solo flight in the Super Cub.
I am happy to share these solo learning moments as I work on my “chops” landing the Super cub.
Wind conditions were rather calm, but it was still a good work out for me.
Stay tuned for some more exciting ones as I step it up and fly in challenging wind conditions.
NOTE: this flight was EDITED down from over an hour to under 15 minutes; Thus, there are missing details and possible lost context
– And I am NOT an instructor, so PLEASE do not look at this as instruction but rather the start to a conversation that you can have with your instructor.
Here’s a tease to the Stearman / formation flying!
– I am excited to share this awesomeness!
Here are the direct links to some other Tail Wheel Flying videos that I’ve done, but please also check my channel incase I forget to update the links here in this description:
1st solo in the Super Cub
(Great illustration of trim usage,
And my WORST landing is also in this video)
Wheel Landing on pavement
Grass 3 point Landing:
Ski Flying:
Upset Recovery and Spin Training – Bellanca Citabria
Flying a Tail Dragger – Tip #3 – Taxi + Run-up + Take-Off – Shoes Matter!
And, if you haven’t seen it already – check out the “fun” video I edited from this footage. (link below)…
Huge thanks to all the Supporters on Patreon!
Check our Patreon page to find out how to be part of the Flight Chops Community.
Productions like this wouldn’t be possible without your help!
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