Seriously – We’re inviting You to do this!
In this episode, Steve “Flight Chops” Thorne flies with Jon in a Meridian and they discuss tailwheel vs IFR flying. Meanwhile, back at CH2A, the RV-14 is being built with additional help from friends Sarah and Brock… and you’re invited to join us! Find out how in this episode.
Massive thanks to Jon for the tools, the trip and the continued support! Look for more to come from him about mixing general aviation and playing in an Eagles Tribute band! HINT: I might be helping him get his YouTube on 🙂
For the Fall contest where we’ll fly you out here and cover your hotel:
For long term to come out and visit the Flight Chops RV-14 build any time:
For general info about the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association (click the logo):
And for those asking about the kneeboard / iPad case I am using – there is a deal code active until Sept 1st! (I’m not making anything from this – wanted to get you guys the full discount that was available)
PIVOT – THE Case for Aviation. There’s a reason, I and over 150+ airlines worldwide use this product for easy and secure iPad mounting. Right now, PIVOT is running an Oshkosh special exclusively for Flight Chops Subscribers – 25% off with the code OshChops at checkout:
>> Shop Here for PIVOT – THE Case for Aviation <<
Looking For More Videos?
Check out what we’ve done on tailwheel flying
Check out what we’ve done on warbird flying
Huge thanks to all the Supporters on Patreon!
Check our Patreon page to find out how to be part of the Flight Chops Community.
Productions like this wouldn’t be possible without your help!
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