We’re excited to Giveaway $2,000 USD in Aviation Gear!
Contest is now closed!
Congratulations to the Winner – Jonathan Knight of Wallkill, NY!
Jonathan has won an extensive assortment of flying gear and software, including: a ForeFlight Pro Subscription, a Sentry Plus portable ADS-B unit, a Ram Mount, a Subscription to CloudAhoy and access to theFinerPoints app!
The Goods!
a value of $799
ForeFlight Sentry Plus – The best in portable ADS-B just got better.
One-year ForeFlight Pro Plus subscription
a value of $240
ForeFlight ProPlus includes added Safety and Situational Awareness with Geo-Referenced Charts and Synthetic Vision.
Ram Mounts X-Grip
Ram Mounts will work with the winner to configure mounts to fit your airplane and mounting positions for an iPad and a camera.
a value of over $150
Visit www.rammount.com
One-year CloudAhoy Pro subscription
a value of $150
CloudAhoy is a powerful iPad post-flight debriefing tool for pilots, student pilots, and flight instructors.
A Pro subscription features enhanced instrument approaches and maneuver scoring for more effective feedback and review.
Visit www.CloudAhoy.com.

Download code for the Ground School App
by Jason Miller ATP, CFI at LearnTheFinerPoints.com
a value of $299.99
“Ground School” contains all the FAA textbooks, the knowledge you need to fly, and video tips by a 20 year career CFI.
This app prepares you for the FAA written knowledge, skill test, and oral exam.
Learn more about Ground School at GetGroundSchool.com
Contest opens October 21, 2022 and closes at 12PM Eastern Time on November 29, 2022. You must be 18 years of age to enter. A skill-testing question must be successfully answered by the drawn winner to win the prize, consisting of a ForeFlight Sentry Plus unit, Ram Mount, ForeFlight subscription, CloudAhoy subscription, and a TFP app subscription. Failure to answer the skill-testing question correctly will see the next drawn winner presented with a skill-testing question, and so on. We reserve the right to update these terms at any time without notice. Draw will be held on November 30, 2022 using a random-number generator to select the winning entry. Only one entry per person/per email address/per household is allowed, additional entries and attempts to gain more than one entry will result in entries being nullified.