Flying experiences are often absorbed after landing – assuming pilots review!
Proud to be associated with ForeFlight:
to sign up for access to the Debrief community!
We are working hard to make it a safe place to share constructive lessons with highly experienced CFIs, airline captains, and other aviation industry experts and respectful peers with various levels of aviation experience, that we can all relate to.
Clips like that crazy runway incursion are constantly shared with me… privately.
People are so afraid to go public with that sort of footage for fear of enforcement action or just negative community feedback. We hope to change that and provide a space for these sorts of things to be shared and learned from.
Flight Chops CONTESTS!
A new contest EVERY month; shared prizes from all our sponsors totalling over $2500!
AND this month thanks to CloudAhoy we have the 1st “Flight Chops Debrief Kit” with 2 GoPro Hero4 silvers and an intercom audio recording cable.
I am SUPER stoked to add a prize from my aviation hero Bob Hoover: “Flying the Feathered Edge” SIGNED collectible prize pack!
Please visit for details!
IFR training Series
Part 1 – Holding with 51 knot wind
Part 2 – ILS approach – 51 knot cross wind at Fix
Huge thanks to all the Supporters on Patreon!
Check our Patreon page to find out how to be part of the Flight Chops Community.
Productions like this wouldn’t be possible without your help!
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